20 January 2009


If you live in Paris, or would like to visit Paris, you might be interested in Parisharing, a radical new authentic tourism concept. It's still new, and you can help by taking the relevant survey:

From the site:

30 million people dream of visiting Paris, if only for a few days. 30 thousand who live in Paris dream of traveling elsewhere, if only for a few days.

PariSharing is the meeting of those dreams.

If you hope to visit Paris, this will be your chance to rent a real Parisian apartment at an unbeatable price while enjoying an authentic Parisian lifestyle.

If you live in Paris, this is your chance to increase your earnings and offer yourself a nicer or longer vacation.

There you have it - Parisharing will offer visitors an authentic and affordable experience of Paris, and at the same give residents of Paris an additional incentive to leave the city for vacation. Is that a win-win situation or what?

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